Women In Leadership Saskatchewan

Women In Leadership Saskatchewan Organization Type: Other Nonprofit Address: Regina, Saskatchewan Website: http://www.womeninleadership.ca We are the new budding Saskatchewan branch of the WIL foundation. WIL is a national non-profit organization dedicated to...

Warriors of the Wild

Warriors of the Wild Organization Type: Sports & Recreation Address: Regina, Saskatchewan S4N3J5 Website: http://www.warriorsofthewild.ca We are Warriors of the Wild:  A brand-new Saskatchewan non-profit that is dedicated to empowering and inspiring people in...

Girl Guides of Canada

Girl Guides of Canada Organization Type: Other Nonprofit Address: 100 – 180 Duncan Mill Road, Toronto, Ontario M3B 1Z6 Website: http://www.girlguides.ca Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC), a national membership-based organization, empowers every girl...

ER Teens by Earth Rangers

ER Teens by Earth Rangers Organization Type: Animals & Environment Address: 9520 Pine Valley drive, Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 4Z2 Website: https://www.earthrangers.com/EN/CA/er-teens/ ER Teens is a free program for teenagers who want to make a positive impact on the...

Regina Cat Rescue (RCR)

Regina Cat Rescue (RCR) Organization Type: Animals & Environment Address: Regina, Saskatchewan Website: http://www.reginacatrescue.com/ Regina Cat Rescue (RCR) is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization and registered charity that helps abandoned cats and kittens...