Aboriginal Healing Foundation – Nonprofit Funding

Organization / Program Name: Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Category: Humanities
Email: programs@ahf.ca
Telephone: (613) 237-4441
Fax Number: (613) 237-4442
Website: http://www.ahf.ca

The Aboriginal Healing Foundation’s mission is to encourage and support Aboriginal people in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes that address the legacy of physical abuse and sexual abuse in the residential school system, including inter-generational impacts.

Main Address:
Suite 801 – 75 Albert Street
K1P 5E7
I was raised to volunteer: nursing homes, clinics, church nurseries, school, everywhere that could use help. It’s such an intrinsic part of me, to use my life to help improve the quality of others.
Debby Ryan

Get Directions

Suite 801, 75 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario