Diabetes Canada Regina Fall Canvassing Campaign

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 919B Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4R2P6
Website: http://www.diabetes.ca%20

From October 1-15, 2018, Diabetes Canada will be canvassing door to door in our community raising funds to assist in the fight against diabetes through research, advocacy and programming. To make the Residential Campaign as successful as possible for the 100,000 people living with diabetes in Saskatchewan, we are constantly in search of volunteer canvassers in Regina and surrounding. If you are willing to give your gift of time for 1 to 1 ½ hours from October 1 – 15, to canvass, we would LOVE to hear from you! Please contact Sandy at 306-584-8445 or Sandy.harle@diabetes.ca


Your donation improves lives and makes it possible to Fund leading-edge diabetes research and innovative educational programs in Saskatchewan. Send Saskatchewan kids with type 1 diabetes to Diabetes Canada’s D-Camp as we are the ONLY national organization to operate camps for children living with type 1 diabetes in the country. Provide access to programs, services and educational resources to residents of Saskatchewan, in order to manage their disease and live well. Donate online directly at: http://www.diabetes.ca/northsaskdonate

Diabetes Canada would like to thank you in advance for your support. Together, we can lead the fight against diabetes for the 100,000 people with diabetes, 176,000 people living with prediabetes currently and a further 43,000 undiagnosed in Saskatchewan. Unfortunately, this number is only expected to rise and with the expectation that 24% of the Saskatchewan population will be living with diabetes or prediabetes by 2020.

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Diabetes Canada Regina Fall Canvassing Campaign’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.
Albert Einstein

Contact Diabetes Canada Regina Fall Canvassing Campaign

Get Directions

919B Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4R2P6

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