Regina Volunteer News

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Riley named Junior Citizen of the Year

“…MELFORT – Time management is important when you’re in school. In high school, even more so. When you have a list of extracurricular activities as long as a flute it becomes imperative.

This year’s Junior Citizen of the Year, Taylor Riley, was an integral part of the Student Activity Association (SAA) at MUCC, led a variety of church groups in the community, is an award winning musician and singer, heavily involved in the Tech Team at her school, and ran the summer reading programs at the Melfort Public Library (just to name a few)….”

Author: Greg Wiseman
Date of Article: April 10, 2017
Source: Melfort Journal

‘Proud to play for Syria’: Refugees find hope, community at Regina soccer tourney

“…Participation in a major soccer tournament is helping Regina feel one step closer to home for a group of Syrians.

Every year, dozens of teams take part in the World Class Players Cup soccer tournament. The World Cup-style tournament perennially includes teams like England and Canada. This year, though, for the first time, Syria is represented on the pitch….”

Author: Peter Mills
Date of Article: April 10, 2017
Source: CBC News

Five P.E.I. students earn trip to national science fair in Regina in May

“…CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – Organizers of the 2017 P.E.I. Science Fair handed out more than $15,000 in prizes to young scientists at an awards ceremony last week at UPEI.

The award presentations marked the culmination of a daylong event for more than 270 young scientists from 32 Island schools with 196 science projects….”

Date of Article: April 10, 2017
Source: The Guardian

Nominations sought for senior volunteers

“…The Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism (SSM) is seeking nominations of outstanding senior volunteers in a number of categories, with the deadline for nominations on Thursday, June 1.

The SSM is a non-profit volunteer organization that acts as an umbrella for Saskatchewan seniors organizations, to contribute to a better quality of life for seniors….”

Date of Article: April 8, 2017
Source: Weyburn This Week

Demand for urban gardens in Regina outnumbering available space

“…11 community gardens throughout Regina currently host over 1,000 plots, but demand for urban gardens is so high, there just isn’t enough space to meet the needs of all those wannabe green thumbs.

Dozens of Regina residents are on waiting lists for their own small plot of earth — a big change from just a few years ago, when some urban gardens in the city sat empty….”

Author: Sarah Komadina
Date of Article: April 7, 2017
Source: Global News

Saskatchewan firefighters getting out of calendar game due to dwindling charity proceeds

“…Lloyd Zwack, president of the SPFFA and the Burn Fund, would not reveal how much the Burn Fund received from the sale of last year’s calendar, but said a large percentage was spent on production costs.

Consequently, the association severed relations with Brad Woodard who produced the calendar for a number of years under the entity Saskatchewan Fire Fighters Calendar Inc….”

Author: Pamela Cowan
Date of Article: April 6, 2017
Source: Regina Leader-Post


“…REGINA — The mini-clinic was over and the kids involved were almost ready to begin trickling off of the field. Before they could do that though, they had some autographs to get.

It’s not every day that you have Winnipeg Blue Bomber Andrew Harris, Montreal Alouette Nik Lewis and Ottawa REDBLACK Brad Sinopoli at your disposal in a city that’s usually enemy territory for them. While the three standout players in this league were no doubt dealing with their share of requests, they weren’t the most popular choice on the field….”

Author: Chris O’Leary
Date of Article: March 28, 2017
Source: Canadian Football League

Katimavik and First Nations University Team Up

“…REGINA – EDUCATION – Providing more opportunities for Indigenous youth to pursue their life goals through successful post-secondary learning and developing job market skills for the 21st century is the cornerstone of a new partnership between First Nations University and Katimavik.

With restored funding for Katimavik, this agreement will enable the partners to work together to provide opportunities for Indigenous youth to participate in Katimavik community service volunteer employment while studying at the First Nation University of Canada, with campuses in Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert, SK….”

Author: Amanda Perreault
Date of Article: March 23, 2017
Source: NetNewsLedger

Canadian Cancer Society North East Unit shut down

“…After serving the north east community for numerous years, the Canadian Cancer Society’s North East Unit will be closing its office in Melfort after a recent amalgamation.

“The organization recently merged with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation so the organization is trying to look for some efficiencies,” said Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Cancer Society, Keith Karasin. “Fundraising is down from the last few years so we’re really trying to find ways to sustain our mission’s work both in research and patients.”…”

Author: Joshua Santos
Date of Article: March 21, 2017
Source: Melfort Journal

Regina’s diversity celebrated at Spring Free from Racism event

“…A cultural mosaic gathered at the Italian Club for the Spring Free from Racism event Sunday in Regina.

It was the event’s 18th year celebrating cultural diversity….”

Date of Article: March 19, 2017
Source: CBC News

Seek to do good, and you will find that happiness will run after you.
James Freeman Clarke