Kids Help Phone

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 439 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario

ids Help Phone is Canada’s only national 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling and referral service for children and youth.

Created in 1989 to provide a way for young people to confidentially report abuse,  a unique telephone counselling service was launched providing free, accessible support to any young person reaching out, anywhere in the country.

Over the past 25+ years, we have evolved our response and solutions, always focused on staying relevant to youth, recognizing the complexity of issues they face and ensuring counsellors are ready to address the continuum of emotional and mental health needs from crisis situations to the everyday concerns of growing up.

Kids Help Phone’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.
Peter Drucker

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439 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario

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